Twitter help for you
As you may already know @DiamondForGirls has been a part of the Twittersphere for quite some time now. It's been a great chance for us to share our competitions and useful information with you, but we've decided we'd like to hear from you too, so we've launched an additional Twitter account @DiamondUKHelp.
Don't worry, @DiamondForGirls isn't going anywhere, you'll still be able to follow us and enter our fantastic competitions but you'll now be able to interact with us too.
@DiamondUKHelp will be available for you to tweet any queries or suggestions you may have between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and our team will try to respond and offer solutions. We hope this will help to get you answers faster where possible.
No personal details will be shared on Twitter and anything policy specific will be taken offline.